Showing posts with label Beginner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beginner. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Android Tutorial 1 : Beginning with Android

Welcome to the world of android !

When I joined Samsung as an Engineer I had many questions in my mind that generally a fresh college graduate have, I was fresh graduate too. I had to work with android and thought were going in my mind "How will learn android"," Will I able to develop good android apps", and many more. 

gradually I go on  learning, trying, doing mistakes and able to develop my first android app which has been published on playand got 1000+ downloads in first 10 days.

So you will be thinking

what is the best way to learn android ?

Learning programming is much different that learning other subjects where we just read books keeping a pen and marker with us , making notes side by side, highlighting important lines .

Programming is learned by doing(and by just reading the theory and code) , and android so.

I have experienced this that whatever you read do it. Once you do , you will learn and enjoy.
Learning android and developing apps in android is always enjoying.
Trying , doing mistakes, reading again , goggling, will make you a good android developer .

I will advise you have a good book or eBook  of android to consult when you need.

So "All The Best"